Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Look Beyond

I try to be the best I can be and I try to be nice to people because I believe by nature humans are good. I say this because people choose wrong often because they mistake it for good. People usually have good intentions and because of that I look past the fault or mistake of a person and look at them in the simplest form.  Look at a persons heart and you will truly know who they are.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day = No School

Just a nice relaxing day off of school doing what I love to do most. Which is researching salt water aquarium info and hanging out with my girl friend.

 That is shannah to my left. She is an awesome person. She is cute, funny and I absolutely love her =)
We took this picture when we were walking to a Seven-Elven so I could get a Dr. Pepper (my Absolute favorite drink) and we just messed around with the camera on the way up.

 This is Grimley. He is the best friend any one could have. He is looking at me with anticipation because he knew tomorrow was labor day and he could just lounge around all day...which he does every day hahaha.

 He has the right idea

All in all this day was nice. spent time with the family, dog and significant other. Life has been good to me =)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Im an optomist

I see a puppy

Crazy stuff!

So last night around 9:30 at night. A friend and I went to a creepy swampy forest near my house and I have been their many times before. But Last night was different because we were being followed! I was terrified. I will take a video camera next time I go so every one can see how sketchy it is.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

My First Step

This is the very first Blog I have ever started and as you can guess from the title, this blog will be about life. Specifically my life and experiences. I will talk about my achievements, goals, dreams, and a plethora of other things. But your probably wondering who I am? Well I am a 20 year old guy who loves to watch the adult-swim network, play video games, swim and be with friends. I am a simple man with simple needs.