Monday, December 26, 2011

BEST present i could ever receive

Well Christmas was just yesterday and let me tell you, this was one for the books! First of my mom came down stairs at ( no joke) 3:30 A.M.

Don't i look so pretty at 3:30 in the morning?...NOT!

But I still loved seeing my sister, parents and my dog open there gifts. I got my sister a very nice jewelry box, my mother a perse and season tickets to the Deseret Star and she loved those tickets. I got my dad his favorite colone and workout shirts.

My parents got me an AMAZING!!!! chess set ( I am a skilled chess player for those who didn't know) I know they got it from "Pier 1" and I know they spent over 100$ for it. I felt kinda bad...but it looks so cool!

The pieces of the chess set look like ancient Chines warriors ( I know thats not P.C. but what ever)
I am so excited to play my first game on it!

I also got a few other cool things on christmas like and i-Touch
A new book (suppose to be really good)
An awesome leather jacket, but I don't know if i look good in it.

and the best thing I have gotten this year......
Money towards a fish tank! Yap my dad finely is going to let me have a fish tank. I already know what tank I am going to buy with the money that was given to me. When I finely have it set up ill take pictures and make a post a new blog about it.

But my favorite part about christmas is still seeing my family and seeing them open my gifts I got them. I love seeing my grandparents and cousins and playing with the young kids, one of there favorite things to do is trying to pin me in a wrestling match. This year has had some good highs and some bad lows. But all in all I was so happy this Christmas I hope the next year will be even better =)

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