Monday, December 26, 2011

BEST present i could ever receive

Well Christmas was just yesterday and let me tell you, this was one for the books! First of my mom came down stairs at ( no joke) 3:30 A.M.

Don't i look so pretty at 3:30 in the morning?...NOT!

But I still loved seeing my sister, parents and my dog open there gifts. I got my sister a very nice jewelry box, my mother a perse and season tickets to the Deseret Star and she loved those tickets. I got my dad his favorite colone and workout shirts.

My parents got me an AMAZING!!!! chess set ( I am a skilled chess player for those who didn't know) I know they got it from "Pier 1" and I know they spent over 100$ for it. I felt kinda bad...but it looks so cool!

The pieces of the chess set look like ancient Chines warriors ( I know thats not P.C. but what ever)
I am so excited to play my first game on it!

I also got a few other cool things on christmas like and i-Touch
A new book (suppose to be really good)
An awesome leather jacket, but I don't know if i look good in it.

and the best thing I have gotten this year......
Money towards a fish tank! Yap my dad finely is going to let me have a fish tank. I already know what tank I am going to buy with the money that was given to me. When I finely have it set up ill take pictures and make a post a new blog about it.

But my favorite part about christmas is still seeing my family and seeing them open my gifts I got them. I love seeing my grandparents and cousins and playing with the young kids, one of there favorite things to do is trying to pin me in a wrestling match. This year has had some good highs and some bad lows. But all in all I was so happy this Christmas I hope the next year will be even better =)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Just A Reminder

Well today is December 21, 2011. And a Year from now will be the Mayan Calendar ending. This has some people riled up and thinking the world will end. Well I don't know about that but I do know that it has made me think about some things and people I should make amends with. If you have wronged some one weather they were and acquaintance or a past lover that you have wronged or if they think you wronged them you should try to make things right between you and them. Because some times people wrong us and we think less of them. And even if they have done some good to us, it is over shadowed by all they wrong they ever did to us. Don't become a regret of some ones past. Take the time to make things right. Admit your fault and move on. Because there is not greater harm to ones self then being a regret to some one else.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Its been a few days since I have blogged but I have a few fun things to tell you.

First off I went to go see Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows. The movie was absolutely amazing!!!!!!!! I will go see it again because I love the acting in the movie and the plot itself. If you didn't see the first one its ok, the second movie doesn't really play into the first. But I highly recommend it seeing both because they are amazing movies!

But before I went to the movie I went to a place called "happy Sumo". I went to eat with friends (Annie, Ian, and Sean) and They have the best food I have every had in downtown Salt Lake. They have ribs that have a chocolate ginger BBQ sauce on them and they are to die for. And if you drink they also have many recommended drinks unique to them. 

I might have to take pictures next time of the amazing food and drinks. But until next time I hope you all have a h=Happy Christmas, and a Merry New Year

Friday, December 16, 2011


So today was a pretty nice day =) I got my dad, sister, and some other friends gifts for xmas. I love shopping for gifts and wrapping them. I don't know why but I really enjoy it, but it be about the surprise some one will get when they open it.

I also hung out with my good friend sean, he is a nice guy and about 100 times more nerdy then I am. I love like a brother though. We went to this cool park behind Holliday lions. We were going to scare any joggers with this mask I have

But thinking about it I realized that might not be so funny to the joggers and causes problems.

After are adventure in that place we went to wheeler farm and walked around there and just talked about...well every thing. we don't just talk nerd we talk about life, love, religion, ext. Not meny people are as good of friends to me as he is.

I am very lucky to have people like him and my other friends in my life.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I want to point out how cool this picture is! No it hold no relevant meaning to me or just looks cool or as some one put it as "shweet" haha but that person is pretty cool =)

Well first and formost I am done with school!!!!!!! (for the semester) I am so happy about that. I did pretty good on all my finals so good grade are sure to await. But now that finals are done what will i do with all my free time? Try to get dates (which I am a little rusty at when it comes to meeting women) and hang with friends. Yap thats the story of my life right now.

But kind of crazy things have i done since my first day of school being done! I went to the gym...and thats it lol. Watch out world Tyler Averett has some crazy adventures hahaha not! But seriously The gym was a wonderful time today.

Also I have basically cut my soda intake by half and I actually feel a lot better. even if the smog is causing me to get head aches is still feel pretty good =)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Life = Awesomeness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I have basically have had an amazing week! Even tho it was filled to the brim with homework and studying, I still had few good things happen which just made me week.

First and formost I got a very cute girls number from class and later I find out she's from Vancouver Canada! How awesome is that? Second I have been hanging out with good friends, I mean you can never go wrong with that, And third I watched an amazing movie this week called "The Boondocks Saints".

This movies plot is just amazing and has some of the most amazing lines ever. The movie itself is religiously themed because well the characters kill the wicked and corrupt but they do it for God. I highly recommend it but be warned there is a lot of cussing..I mean A LOT! and only part of brief nudity. But over all an amazing movie.

O and before I forget I want to take the time and give my best wishes to my Friend Elder: William Anderson Who will be going on an LDS Mission to Russia. I know he will do great things there and all of his friends and family are proud of him.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Unexpected and Unpredictable.

Just the other day I had something happen to me that was something I did not plan for. You see closure is something that is desired but not always attainable. I once desired that so much but didn't get it. But in a twist of ironic fate when I no longer cared to get closure I ended up getting it any way.

So upon thinking about it, I realized that I did good in that relationship. I have no regrets and I would do it all over again. They were the 3 best years of my life, and even tho they are done I hope I will have more great experiences in My life and im sure they are not to far off. Because every one deserves happiness and peace of mind.

But a little good news =)
I am looking forward to laser tagging tonight with a wonderful group of friends and hopefully a certain person as well (my friends are trying to hook me up with some one). I have a good life and I should be happy for it.

Thank you for those good memories, and im sorry for the bad ones.